Sunday, November 09, 2008


I love this weather. Sunny with just the right amount of cool in the air. The leaves are turning and's so cute out.

This week again went by in the blink of an eye...with my being sick...again...and work being completely out of control. Who needs health insurance anyway? Apparently everyone. Which brings me to the COGRATS to Obama on winning the election. I'm hoping he brings some sort of change to this country. Seriously, we need it. After some bar/lounge celebration I watched his speech at home. Very good, I just hope people listened.

School is also madness...can I just finish already. This semester has been just awful. Although I have plenty of studying to do I took this morning to run errands and do some grooming to the ol' chassy. I want this week to be better... I feel it already.

Oh, may be I should plan some birthday stuff too. I seriously need an assistant....anyone want a job that doesn't pay anything?


Sunday, November 02, 2008

Birth Month Begins

This week started with an awesome New Kids on the Block concert. It was really very good, and it ended with an awesome Halloween Party in Roosevelt Island. So much fun. Only now i'm sick again, but i've bowed to battle this one like i battled the last one. It seems like i've been sick a whole month. Doesn't that suck?

Anyway, i'm hoping to get better quickly so that I may commence my birthday celebrations. Tuesday is election day. I have the day off from work that goodness. I guess they want to make sure everyone rocks the vote. I'm all over it and you guys should be too. On another note...I bought my ticket to go home for Christmas. Vacation, Vacation, Vacation.


Sunday, October 26, 2008


Halloween is here. The air is festive and creepy at the same time. It's lovely fall weather, cool and breezy. I love that the leaves have turned and are starting to fall. Oh the crispiness of fall! Gotta love it. I have to get the finishing touches for my costume and then i'm all set. I'm looking forward to the festivities, it's been a while since I actually enjoyed them.

This week is going to be a little tight for me. Even though the New Kids on the Block concert is tomorrow I still have to study for a test that very same evening..I also have another test on Thursday so I'm going to be studying loads but at the same time having fun..It's all about balance. Let's see how I do. I took some time off work to make sure I get through things. I have the time so might as well use it when I need it. Note to self: must not get overwhelmed we can only do so much.

In any case, things happen, so might as well have a good time while you are at it. It's gorgeous out so I might go outside to study for a while.

Hope everyone enjoys their Halloween....may it be full of candy and scary stories....


Sunday, October 19, 2008

Taking a Step Back

This week has been crazy madness summed up into to things: work, and a cold. I don't know which one is taking the most out of me but it's only temporary. This whole insaneness (if that's a word) is forcing me to take a step back to a few months ago. I'm going back to taking one step at a time for everything. That means with home, school, work and whatever comes a long. I think all the stress made me more susceptible to the cold, so that being said I can't let life overwhelm me. After all life is too short and I need to live what I have of it no.

I have to take the time to shout out to my special friend Mr. Ly because were it not for him I wouldn't have eaten yesterday. That's a true friend right that brings you soup and OJ when you need it most, and that doesn't make fun of your super messy apartment. Gotta love the guy....

Monday, October 13, 2008

By Popular Demand

I'm here. Alive and well, don't worry. I've been asked by several people "what's the deal with the blog?". The deal is I've been terribly busy. Work busy and fun busy. Work is really hectic. It's a busy time for my department and some changes have happened recently. Since I'm in charge well I can't pass the buck or sit on my hands. It's all on me to make it happen. As for the fun busy, well I've been up to everything. From awesome charity events, to discovering new bars in my neighborhood, to exploring new neighborhoods, all had been done. I actually went out to a club type thing recently too. It was ok. I think people in New York are getting weirder so i'm more choosey about who I go with and where I go. I also have not neglected my yoga and got around to doing kickboxing....that was SO MUCH FUN...although it was too much sweating. This week again I have lined up a few things for myself. Yesterday and today were completely lazy days since I was off for the holiday. I didn't feel like moving much.

Just a piece of information for those outside the New York area, today was the last day of the waterfalls pictured above. If you got to see it, great. If you didn't well there is always the next piece of modern art that will leave you scratching your head.

Now off to watching the news...all about the economy you know.

Cheers for now...

Sunday, September 21, 2008

My Word

This week has been a busy. Work is crappy but i've managed to have something to do every day after work. Drinks here, school there, yoga there. Dude I'm beat....and that is why I took the whole day off yesterday...I couldn't think. It was just too much using my brain and lacking sleep etc. Today I had a loverly after noon with Mr. Ly. Basically we just relaxed and watched a movie over Thai food. Then we were joined by our third mate and basically talked until I had to come home. It was nice, I like having uncomplicated friends.

This week is going to be less packed by choice. I'm watching the dog because Sister Sister is on vacation. She's cute and all, but she puts a dent in my social calendar.Two days out of seven without plans isn't going to kill me right? Plus I learned my lesson from this week...sometimes I just have to be home.

Anyway, hope you all have a good week.

Sunday, September 14, 2008


It's been an interesting week for me...full of different activities but even better..full of realizations. In a way the road has been cleared and I'm ready to move forward. Best of all, my tolerance for bullshit has been lowered significantly. You shan't take it personal, but if you are bullshitting, I'm not putting up with it.

This week I'm booked solid already, and I like that because life shouldn't be so complicated that people can't get together. So together I will get. I'm very excited and looking forward to the future, I know only good things will come to me now. The weight has been lifted of my shoulders. But my shoulders are sore, sore because of the yoga classes I've been indulging in. I've moved up several levels because again the beginner classes are boring for me. Not a challenge, so I'm yoga-ing with more experienced people which, again, I love.

Anyhoot, hope you all have fun this week. I'll be around.....with a big smile on my face....